Who we are


Ave is a founder and owner of Kasteheina home. She is originally from Toila and thus well informed with local circumstances. She is the rational side to our home adventure who reviews and makes sure that all our plans are indeed achievable. There is a more creative side to Ave though with interests in painting and behind that refined surface there hides a deep and buzzing passion. 


Andre is also a founder and owner of Kasteheina home. He operates the day to day business of Kasteheina. He is our ideas generator and sets out our strategy. He is slightly restive as there are always more ideas than time to realize them. An adventurer in heart and always more than happy to welcome guests to our cosy little place. 


Rihard is the smallest of the bunch. Despite his size he does and excellent job of keeping his parents on their toes. He tests out our ideas and generates a kid’s perspective of what we should have here. You do not have to ask him twice to come and play, especially outdoors. He is also a big friend to animals, loves snow and water and wants to invite all his friends, old and new, to our home.